Source code for magine.html_templates.html_tools

import os

import jinja2

env = jinja2.Environment(
        searchpath=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'templates')

workflow_template = env.get_template('workflow_template.html')
plotly_template = env.get_template('plotly_template.html')
single_template = env.get_template('single_table_view.html')
filter_template = env.get_template('filter_table.html')

range_ = {'ref', 'depth', 'enrichment_score', 'rank', 'fold_change',
          'p_value', 'adj_p_value', 'combined_score', 'n_genes',
          'z_score', 'pvalue', 'treated_control_fold_change',

chosen_ = {
    'GO_name', 'slim', 'aspect', 'time', 'data_type', 'identifier', 'label',
    'term_name', 'term_id', 'category', 'db',  # enrichr
    'significant_flag', 'project_name', 'compound', 'GO_id',
    'sample_id', 'sample_index'
multi_choose = {'genes', 'source', 'significant'}

auto_complete_ = {'protein', 'gene', 'identifier', 'label', }

def _add_filter(column_num, f_type):
    _default = {'column_number': column_num}
    if f_type == 'range':
        _default.update({'filter_type': 'range_number'})
    elif f_type == 'select':
            'select_type_options': {'width': "150px"},
            'filter_type': 'multi_select',
            'select_type': 'select2'
    elif f_type == 'chosen':
        _default.update({'select_type': "multi_select",
                         'select_type_options': {'width': "150px"},
                         'text_data_delimiter': "chosen"},
    elif f_type == 'auto_complete':
        _default.update({'filter_type': "auto_complete",
                         'text_data_delimiter': ","})
    elif f_type == 'multichoose':
            'filter_type': "multi_select",
            'select_type': "select2",
            'select_type_options': {'width': "150px"},
            'text_data_delimiter': ","},
    return _default

[docs]def create_yadf_filters(table): _format_dict = [] for n, i in enumerate(table.columns): if isinstance(i, (tuple, list)): i = i[0] if i in range_: _format_dict.append(_add_filter(n, 'range')) elif i in chosen_: _format_dict.append(_add_filter(n, 'select')) elif i in auto_complete_: _format_dict.append(_add_filter(n, 'complete')) elif i in multi_choose: _format_dict.append(_add_filter(n, 'multichoose')) else: print("'{}' not found in yadf".format(i)) return _format_dict
[docs]def write_filter_table(table, save_name): """ Parameters ---------- table : pandas.DataFrame save_name : str Returns ------- """ # formats output to less precision and ints rather than floats tmp_table = _format_simple_table(table) data = tmp_table.to_dict('split') data['filters'] = create_yadf_filters(table) html_out = filter_template.render({"data": data}) with open('{}.html'.format(save_name), 'w') as f: f.write(html_out)
def _format_simple_table(data): """ formats precession of data for outputs Parameters ---------- data : pandas.DataFrame Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame, dict """ tmp_table = data.copy() pvalue_float_type = ['pvalue', 'p_value', 'p_value_group_1_and_group_2', 'adj_p_value'] float_type = ['z_score', 'combined_score', 'enrichment_score', 'treated_control_fold_change'] int_type = ['n_genes', 'rank'] for i in data.columns: if isinstance(i, (tuple, list)): t_i = i[0] else: t_i = i if t_i in float_type: tmp_table[i] = tmp_table[i].fillna(0) tmp_table[i] = tmp_table[i].astype(float) tmp_table[i] = tmp_table[i].round(2) tmp_table[i] = tmp_table[i].apply('{:.4g}'.format) elif t_i in pvalue_float_type: tmp_table[i] = tmp_table[i].fillna(1) tmp_table[i] = tmp_table[i].apply('{:.2g}'.format) elif t_i in int_type: tmp_table[i] = tmp_table[i].fillna(0) tmp_table[i] = tmp_table[i].astype(int) tmp_table[i] = tmp_table[i].apply('{:,d}'.format) return tmp_table
[docs]def format_ploty(text, save_name): """ Parameters ---------- text : str html code to embed in file save_name : str html output filename Returns ------- """ html_out = plotly_template.render({"plotly_code": text}) with open('{}'.format(save_name), 'w') as f: f.write(html_out)